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What is Reverse Osmosis Technology?
Reverse Osmosis:- it's multi-stage Advance water Purification Technology. It's convert to hard water in sweet soft and pure bottled quality water. R.O. is a membrane filtration process in which the water is passed. Under high pressure through a thin film composite (TFC) membrane with .0001 Micron Pore size. The output of the membrane is purified water, free from micro-organism and with reduced Total Dissolved Solids contaminated removed 95% bacteria & virus to level of 99% ++.



How Does your Gangajal R.O. work?

Stage No. Filtration Material Benefit
1 Particulate Filter* Polypropylene YarnWound Removes large visible impurities
2 Membrane Life Enhancer Special Sodium Hexametaphosphate Cartridge Prevents scaling of dissolved salts like calcium and magnesium thus enhancing the membrane life and improving water flow.
3 Sediment Filter Polypropylene Melt Blown Removes suspended particles such as dirt, sand, sludge, grit and rust from water.
4 PC Silver Nano Bateriostatic Silver Surety technology Removes excess chlorine and organic impurities. It also absorbs taste and odour from the water.
5 Reverse osmosis & UF Thin Film Composite (TFC) Reverse Osmosis Membrane Reduces TDS, hardness, Pesticides and heavy metals like arsenic, lead, Iron and mercury, And removes micro-organisms like bactena, virus, protozoa and cysts.
6 PC Bio-ceramic Minerals Bacteriostatic Bio-Ceramic Activated Granular Carbon Removes residual organic impurities and unique silver release technology the original taste of water. Advanced purification process from Bio-ceramic Minerals with essential minerals Silver impregnated carbon granules polish the water giving it a sparkling look making it pure and great to taste.
7 U.V. Sterilization (E-boiling ) 8Watt ultra-violet Finally 7 stage removes Biological impurities U.V. radiation effective enough to disintegrate the DNA of the biological form, specially coliform bacteria and other forms of harmful pathogens. The water stays in this stage for 1 0 Secs. This treatment has been documented as a proven method for eliminating water borne disease causing bacteria and viruses.

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